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美国University of Notre Dame 胡钡(Bei Hu)教授讲座通知
发布时间 : 2014-06-10     点击量:


Professor Bei Hu 


University of Notre Dame 应用计算数学统计系胡钡(Bei Hu教授,应邀于6月9日-- 6月19日来我校访问,为师生做学术报告


时  间: 6月12日(星期四),15:00-16:00pm
地  点: 理科楼202
题  目:A multiscale hyperbolic system modeling cell cycles problems
摘    要:Cell cycle is controlled at two restriction points, R1 and R2. At both points the cell will commit apoptosis if it detects irreparable damage. But at R1 an undamaged cell also decides whether to proceed to the S phase or go into a quiescent mode, depending on the environmental conditions (e.g., overpopulation, hypoxia). We consider the effect of this decision at the population level in a spherical tissue. We prove that if the cells have full control at R1, they can manipulate the size. In the absence of such control (e.g., if suppressor genes such as APC and SMAD have been mutated), then the tissue will grow to be very large.

时  间: 6月16日(星期一),10:30-11:30am
地  点: 理科楼202
题  目:Approximate traveling waves in linear-reaction hyperbolic systems
摘    要:In a model of transport of neurofilaments along an axon of a neuron, these proteins are created near the nucleus of the cell, and are transported by motor proteins “walking” on microtubules that lie along the entire length of the axon; the neurofilaments are moving back and forth, depending on the type of motor to which they are attached, but sometimes they are at rest. The system is modeled by hyperbolic equations. Under the assumption that the at least one of the velocities are distinct from the rest, we show that the limit equation is a diffusion equation.
简  历:Bei Hu 教授在美国Univ. of Notre Dame任职,先后师从国内外的名师姜礼尚教授和A. Friedman教授,多年来从事偏微分方程理论及其应用研究,尤其在抛物方程的爆破理论和生物医学中的自由边值问题研究中成果丰富,至今已公开发表高水平论文80余篇。Bei Hu 教授历任Univ. of Notre Dame数学系主任、理学院副院长等职,现任《Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B》编委,是国内外知名的华人数学家。


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