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美国德克萨斯大学休斯顿卫生科学中心Huilin Wu教授学术报告通知
发布时间 : 2016-06-02     点击量:

        应beat365官方网站的邀请,美国德克萨斯大学休斯顿卫生科学中心Huilin Wu教授将于近期访问我院,来访期间将为师生做学术报告。 

        题目:Big Data Era: Opportunities and Challenges for Modelers 

        报告摘要:The information era is quickly moving to a new era of Big Data. Many businessmen are claiming that they are using Big Data in their business and many researchers are claiming that they are doing research in the field of Big Data although the definition and scope of the Big Data are still controversial and not clear. In this talk, I am going to discuss the concept of Big Data from a multidisciplinary perspective and use examples to demonstrate the opportunities and challenges for statisticians and mathematical modelers in the Big Data era. In particular, I’ll discuss the future trend of Big Data from both academic and industry angles.   

        报告人简介:Prof Wu’ research/collaboration experiences in clinical trials, in vitro experiments, ex vivo/in vivo animal research as well as epidemiological and community-based studies. In particular, he participated in the design and data analysis for more than 15 AIDS clinical trials (including PK/PD trials). His recent research interests include Big Data analytics for biomedical and health sciences, complex high-dimensional data analysis, statistical methods and theories for differential equation models, computational systems biology and bioinformatics with applications to immunology and infectious diseases. He have received the NIH FIRST (R29) award, 5 R01 grants, one center grant (with renewal for 10 years), one training grant (T32), several other pilot awards, subcontract awards, and the CTSI Biomedical Informatics Key Function grant with a total budget of about $30 million. In particular, as the Director/PI, he was awarded one of the four biodefense immune modeling center grants in the nation by NIH in 2005 with a total budget of about $10 million, and this project was renewed for another 5 years (2010-2015) with a total budget of $11.9 million. He published 2 books and more than 115 peer-reviewed papers: 1) publications in top statistical methodology journals such as JASA, Biometrika, Annals of Statistics etc.; 2) publications in top biostatistical journals such as Biometrics, Biostatistics, Annals of Applied Statistics, JRSS-C, Statistics in Medicine etc.; 3) publications in biomathematical/bioinformatics journals such as Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Biosciences, BMC Bioinformatics etc.; and 4) publications in biomedical journals (as leading and corresponding author) such as Journal of Infectious Diseases, Journal of Virology, JAIDS, Journal of Immunology, etc..  



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