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Wayne State University Peiyong Wang教授学术报告通知
发布时间 : 2018-03-26     点击量:

报告题目The Free Boundary Problem of Phase Transition

报告时间:2018年3月30日上午10:30 - 11:30(星期五)


报告人:Peiyong Wang, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University


  This talk aims to introduce the theory of the phase transition problem through a geometric approach. I will start with Caffarelli's work on the problem for the Laplacian, which secures the well-posedness of the problem, especially the optimal regularity of a solution and its free boundary. The several methods used in the proof deserve the attention of a researcher in the field of elliptic PDE by their own rights. Some generalization including for some fully nonlinear equations and the p-Laplace equation will be brieflycovered. There is room for a researcher to continue the study of this interesting physical phenomenon.

Introduction of Peiyong Wang:

Research Interests:

Partial Differential Equations, Free Boundary Problems, Harmonic Analysis

Selected Recent Publications:

· Caffarelli, L.A. and Wang, P., A bifurcation phenomenon in a singularly perturbed one-phase free boundary problem of phase transition, submitted to Calculus of Variations And Partial Differential Equations, 15 pages.  

· Rossi, J.D. and Wang, P., The limit as p goes to infinity in a two-phase free boundary problem for the p-Laplacian, 24 pages, submitted to Interfaces and Free Boundaries.





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