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【数论系列报告四】刘昇吉教授 (Washington State University)
发布时间 : 2017-05-31     点击量:

报告人: 刘昇吉 (Washington State University)

题  目: Growth and nonvanishing of restricted Siegel modular forms arising as Saito-Kurokawa lifts

时  间: 2017.06.05 (周一) 下午16:40 – 18:10

地  点: 理科楼407室

摘  要:

      A Siegel modular form, when restricted to a certain natural submanifold of Siegel’s upper half space, is essentially a classical elliptic modular form in each of two variables. In the special case that the Siegel form is a Saito-Kurokawa lift, Ichino gave a formula which explicitly decomposes this restricted Siegel form into elliptic modular forms; the formula involves central values of Rankin-Selberg L-functions on GL(3)*GL(2). I will talk about some results on the average behavior of these L-functions which give some information on how the restricted Siegel form usually behaves. This is joint work with Matt Young.



      Sheng-Chi Liu received his PhD from The Ohio State University in 2009. Before joining in Washington State University as an assistant professor (tenure track) in 2013, he held a postdoc position in Texas A&M University. His interests mainly lie in number theory and automorphic forms, as well as their interactions. His work has been published in Mathematische Annalen, American Journal of Mathematics, International Mathematics Research Notices, Compositio Mathematica, etc.

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