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美国West Virginia 大学Cun-Quan Zhang教授学术报告通知
发布时间 : 2017-04-13     点击量:

应beat365官方网站的邀请,美国 West Virginia 大学Cun-Quan Zhang教授将于近期访问我院,来访期间为师生做一下学术报告:




题目:Survey on cycle double cover conjecture


摘要:The Circuit Double Cover Conjecture is one of the most famous open problems in graph theory: every 2-connected graph has a family of circuits that covers every edge precisely twice. This introduction talk will survey the history of the conjecture and some results related to following promising approaches to this conjecture.


个人简介:张存铨 (Cun-Quan Zhang),博士,美国 West Virginia 大学 Eberly 首席教授,Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics 编委,国际上从事图论及其应用研究的著名专家。具体研究工作包括:图论理论方面的流理论、圈覆盖问题;图论应用方面的网络结构、离散优化、算法、优化、数据挖掘、社会网络以及生物信息学等。先后主持美国国家级科研项目11项,出版两本专著 Integer Flows and Cycle Covers of Graphs Circuit Double Covers of Graphs》,仅国际顶级期刊Journal of Combinatorial Theory BTransaction of the American Mathematics SocietyJournal of Graph Theory上发表的论文就有40余篇。




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