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美国纽约伦斯勒理工学院Wang Ge教授报告通知
发布时间 : 2013-06-28     点击量:

        应beat365官方网站徐宗本教授邀请,医学成像领域著名学者Ge Wang 教授将于7月1日来我校访问并做学术报告。

        讲座题目:Determining scientific impact using a collaboration index

        报告人简介:Ge Wang 教授是国际CT成像和医学图像处理领域的杰出专家和学术权威。他于1982年毕业于西安电子科技大学电子工程系,于1991年和1992年在美国纽约州立大学获得硕士和博士学位,现为是美国纽约伦斯勒理工学院(RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE)的讲席教授(Clark & Crossan Chair Professor),同时也是多个国际学术组织的Fellow,包括IEEE(the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)、AAPM(the American Association of Physicists in Medicine)、AIMBE(the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering)、SPIE(the International Society for Optical Engineering)、OSA(the Optical Society of America)等。Ge Wang 教授在医学成像方面进行了一系列开拓性的研究工作,提出了螺旋状锥束CT重建、自发荧光断层成像、CT内重建理论等,发表了经同行评议的国际期刊论文300余篇和数量众多的国际会议论文,其研究成果被引用8000余次,得到了国际同行的广泛关注与尊重。

        报告摘要:Researchers collaborate on scientific projects that are often measured by both the quantity and the quality of the resultant peer reviewed publications. However, not all collaborators contribute to these publications equally, making metrics such as the total number of publications and the H-index insufficient measurements of individual scientific impact. To remedy this, we use an axiomatic approach to assign relative credits to the coauthors of a given paper, referred to as the A-index for its axiomatic foundation. In this paper, we use the A-index to compute the weighted sums of peer-reviewed publications and journal impact factors, denoted as the C- and P-indexes for collaboration and productivity, respectively. We perform an in-depth analysis of bibliometric data for 186 biomedical engineering faculty members and from extensive simulation. It is found that these axiomatically weighted indexes better capture a researcher’s scientific caliber than do the total number of publications and the H-index, allowing for fairer and sharper evaluation of researchers with diverse collaborative behaviors. 



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