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发布时间 : 2018-05-23     点击量:

美国Indiana University South Bend数学科学系程怡(Yi Cheng)教授, 应邀于6月2日-7日来我校访问,为师生做学术报告。

报告题目:Adaptive Group Sequential Design Methods for Clinical Trials



报告人:程怡教授,美国Indiana University South Bend数学科学系


The presentation includes two parts. The first part is a brief introduction of adaptive group sequential designs in clinical trials. The second part presents a specific adaptive design, namely, Bayesian group sequential designs, summarized as follows.

A clinical trial requires decisions about how an experiment will be conducted. The process is often dynamic; therefore, Bayesian formulation provides a powerful mechanism for running such a process.

The decision theoretical approach considers the consequences of each possible designing parameter and selects ones to maximize the expected utility.  While utility setting and statistical decisions depend on the goals of the experiment, certain choices may be restricted by available resources and ethical considerations. 

The Bayesian adaptive group sequential designs also have the flexibility of allowing interpretation of the results along frequentist lines, in addition to maximize the utility function. The frequentist error rates can be established so that the desired properties can be maintained for regulatory settings.




Yi Cheng 教授,博士毕业于美国University of Minnesota,专业为统计学。曾任职于美国的Purdue University以及Northwestern University, 现任职于美国Indiana University South Bend。多年来从事临床试验设计方面的研究工作,取得了丰富的研究成果,在Biostatistics,  Biometrika, Biometrics等统计方面的权威期刊上发表高水平论文数十篇。多次应邀访问德克萨斯大学、康奈尔大学和西北大学等,并在统计学国际会议作邀请报告。多次获得IUSB杰出教学奖,IU教师研究基金,Frederic Bachman Lieber纪念奖等荣誉。




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