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法国科学院Pierre Auger院士学术报告通知
发布时间 : 2023-08-30     点击量:

报告人:Pierre Auger 教授, French Academy of Sciences and COPED

时间:202391 10:00am-12:00am

地点: 数学楼2-3

Title: Mathematical Bio-Economic Models for Sustainable Fisheries Management

Keywords: Bio-Economic Fishery Models, Multi-site Fishery, Variable Price, Marine Protected Area, Artificial Reefs, Thiof.

Abstract: A short review of mathematical fishery models is presented with a focus on bio-economical models with a variable market price of the resource. Price variation is assumed to depend on demand and supply. Under given conditions, it is shown that a stable “catastrophic” fishing equilibrium leading to fish extinction with a booming price can occur. We are looking for the conditions that allow to avoid the extinction of the fished species and the establishment of a sustainable fishery at maximum productivity. We study the effects of various fisheries management systems such as marine protected areas or artificial reefs on the dynamics of the fishery. We illustrate our results with the case of the « thiof » fishery, an emblematic and over-exploited fish species in Senegal for which important variations of the market price has been observed in the past years.

报告人简介:Pierre Auger教授,法中高级人才交流协会会员,法国科学院院士,生态学和环境科学的数学建模专家,法国发展研究院特级主任研究员,法国科学院发展中国家委员会主席,MADEV 国际应用数学会议组织人。曾任“自然和社会数值模拟与计算研究所”主任、“复杂系统数值模拟与计算国际联合研究所”主任,并在数个国际学术机构担任组织协调工作(如曾任法语国家理论生物学联合会主席、欧洲数学与理论生物学会常务委员等) 。在法国和非洲多所大学担任教授(巴黎六大、摩洛哥卡迪阿亚德大学、塞内加尔达喀尔大学等)。其主要研究领域是生态系统数值模拟,他为“可变聚合方法”的发展做出了贡献,该方法的目的是从详细或“完整”的模型,构建仅管理少数长期全局变量的模型。他创新性地应用数学理论解决多维多尺度的生态学问题,其方法已经被广泛应用到生态学、渔业、畜牧业、医学、经济学等众多领域。发表文章 175 篇,3 篇专著。

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